ESL Game: Alphabet Portraits

ESL Game: Alphabet Portraits

Alphabet Portraits is a simple game that is great consolidating activity to practice upper and lower case alphabet but is also a great way to build rapport with students in class. In this activity students make pictures of people using only the alphabet to draw them.     Aim: Practice writing the alphabet and build relationships in the classroom. Materials: One copy of the worksheet below for students. Level: Young Learners (Beginners +) Time: 10 minutes +
  1. Print out a copy of the handout for each student.
  2. Explain to students that they are going to draw a picture of a person but they must only use the alphabet. Give an example on the board. You could use a ‘O’ as a face and ‘X’ for eyes etc.
  3. Give students up to 5 minutes to complete their pictures.
  4. After, have students show their pictures to the class. Later, hang the pictures on the wall.
More alphabet activities
Discover more alphabet activities for kids. The Alphabet Song (A,B,C) – A fun song to play alphabet game with Alphabetti Spaghetti – Simple fun game to practice the alphabet with young leaners. Alphabet Race – Get students moving with this fun alphabet race activity.
Find more games and activities on our YouTube Channel

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