ESL Quiz
Activity Time: 10 – 30 mins
There are a number of ways quizzes can be used in the ESL classroom. These quizzes have been designed as an end of class activity. I have found that students enjoy this activity as a fun way to end class.
1.Before you start assign teams.
2.You can ask questions in turns for each team passing the question on if students answer incorrectly. You can also get teams to “buzz” in if they know the answer but this can get noisy quickly so be warned!
There are a total of three quizzes broken up into 3 levels ranging from lower intermediate to upper intermediate. Each quiz is broken into four categories science, geography, sports and music.
You can ask the students what category they want or choose yourself.
This activity can be used well with “Bomb” which you can find HERE
Alternative quiz ideas
Materials required: post-it notes or small pieces of paper.
1. Give each student a post-it or a piece of paper. Ask them to write down one question with the answer underneath. Alternatively in teams the students can write five questions and assign points depending on difficulty.
2. Collect all the pieces of paper from the teams and ask them their sets of questions.
ESL Kids Games by David Mulcahy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at